
Docker ( Recommended )

Docker Compose File

  1. Create a new schema in your database for Kōji

  2. If you have an existing docker-compose.yml file, copy the below service into it. Otherwise create a new file (touch docker-compose.yml) and copy the below service into it.

version: '2'
    container_name: koji
    command: 'koji'
    restart: unless-stopped
      # Required
      # Your Golbat or RDM database
      SCANNER_DB_URL: mysql://rdm_user:rdm_password@host:3306/rdm_database
      # Your Flygon database - leave commented out for RDM
      # UNOWN_DB_URL: mysql://flygon_user:flygon_password@host:3306/flygon_database
      # Your Koji database
      KOJI_DB_URL: mysql://koji_user:koji_password@
      # Your Koji API bearer token and client password
      KOJI_SECRET: your_super_secret
      # Optional
      # Start latitude on initial client load
      #START_LAT: 0
      # Start longitude on initial client load
      #START_LON: 0
      # Nominatim URl used for searching and importing geofences from OSM
      #NOMINATIM_URL: "" # highly recommended using your own
      # Max Database connections
      # Logging level
      #LOG_LEVEL: info # error | warn | info | debug | trace
    # Memory limit for docker container
    #mem_limit: 2048G
    # Memory reservation for docker container
    #mem_reservation: 256M
    # CPU limit for docker container
    #cpus: 2
      - '8080:8080' # change left one for external port
    # Optional: Might be required if your database is also hosted in docker
    # network_mode: "host"
    # extra_hosts:
    #   - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

Docker Setup


If this is the first time using GitHub container registry you will need to login. When prompted use your personal access token not password. More info (opens in a new tab)

docker login -u GITHUB_USERNAME
  1. After editing, pull the repo

     docker-compose pull
  2. Start the containers

     docker-compose up -d

Docker Updating

  1. Pull latest

     docker-compose pull
  2. Restart the container

     docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d